Royal Dhodha House

Lala Hans Raj Vig just return after the morning workout. It was a nice breezy day and he was full of excitement. This would be the day he felt he would reach the perfect recipe for his energy food. As the strong wrestler of his village Khushab of distt Sargodha (Now in Pakistan) he had been working on a diet for a long time. A diet that savoury and at the same time supplement energy needs for sportsmen. It helped that he was good in cooking his favorite pastime. His energy food tasted delicous.

Growing increasing popular among his friends and follow villagers. Lala Hans Raj Vig decided to commercially produce his energy food. And “DHODHA” was born for the masculine ring in the name. The year was 1912.

Soon Dhodha became a rage. People from nearby towns started living to Khushad for the sweets. The street which led to the sweet shop came to be known as Dhodha Street.
After the partition of india in 1947, the Dhodha family moved to kotkapura and later opened branches at kotkapura. The Popularly of Dhodha kept growing in India and abroad. The recipe of Dhodha is a closely guarded secret and is passed from generation to generation. When we eat Dhodha today, It tastes the same as it did to our forefathers 104 years back.